Judi Martin

Biggest Success

My biggest success is the reward of seeing a person succeed in their job. When you start working with a person and think they will not last a week then your able to effectively coach the person to be successful is so rewarding as most of our people we serve want to work and would love to have a job.

Day of Providing Service that You Would Write a Book About

As I am in several different places daily, I like the experiences for helping others to be successful in the work force. I visit factories, fast food, personal care business and many others serving individuals at work and helping them to be successful. Just the smile on the persons face is a congratulations to me as I did my job well.

Why I love What I Do

I love Capabilities because family comes first, then team work of the whole company. I love the part of a flexible schedule to be able attend many life events and family gatherings. My co-workers are my extended family and care for me along with all the others in the company.

Interesting Fact About Yourself

From my past work history, many do not know how diverse I am at helping others. For my personal life, my family is very into sports at all levels. I was born and raised in St.Marys with having six living generations at one time in 1990's.

Previous Experience Outside of Capabilities

I previously worked for as a manger at Adance Auto Parts and a merchandiser at Big Bear Plus. In high school, I worked at the Tasty treat dairy bar and cared for an elderly couple in their home.

If you could have dinner...

I would love to have dinner with my mother as she passed away suddenly of pancreatic cancer almost 10 years ago and we could catch up on events over the last 10 years along with her advise as mom always knows best.